Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The Cheese Stands Alone!

Just when you thought there was nothing but bad, dreary news here in the good ol' US of A, here comes a report that Americans are eating more cheese than ever before! And not just greater quantities of cheese, but better and more varieties of cheese, too. Okay, my initial reaction when I saw the story was to think "Feh! Stupid newsmedia! The world is a shambles, the Presidential candidates are sleazy boobs and they're reporting about CHEESE? Fie, I say!" Then I remembered something: I love cheese!

I would imagine that the new breed of labrynthine humongo-uber-markets that now dot the American landscape are somewhat responsible. It seems every suburban and some rural areas now have one of these insanely huge barns of foodstuffs, offering a dizzying variety of foods heretofore unkown in the hinterlands. Yes, folks, even Ma & Pa Kettle are eating Manchego and Stilton now. Bye-bye, Cracker Barrel and Velveeta! It's better living through groceries, and I like it.

I love this line from the article: "America's hunger for cheese was dampened a bit when consumers traveled and ate out less following the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks." I don't know about you, but while I was alternately surfing cable newschannels and breaking into spontaneous panic and sobbing attacks in the days just after 9/11, I still had a powerful desire for quality cheeses. No terrorist scumbag is going to mess with my cheese.

And yes, I realize I said "sleazy boobs," and yes, I'm a little turned on now.


Anonymous said...

Mmm ... Manchego cheese. DM

Anonymous said...

Just in case you didn't see it, the New Yorker (8/23/04)had a great story on Murray's Cheese in the Village. Murray's has there own website (, and you can sign up for Cheez-mail--for cheese news and specials! --Megan M.